Saturday, June 19, 2010

elderly observation 1

there are many problems the elderly face, and are easy to take note of. however, many people do not do anything about it, as they do not think it concerns them.

i noticed that the elderly have difficulty walking, but i did not interview them on it. some elderly, like my grandmother, use walking sticks. i talked to my grandmother once about it, and she said that it was because her knee joints were not strong, so she has to use a walking stick. it is adapted to have a comfortable grip, and a torchlight, as well, if she is walking where it is not well lit, so that she can see where she is walking and there is lesser chance of falling. there is a wide variety of walking sticks, to help the elderly with their different needs.

sometimes i see some elderly having a maid to push their wheelchairs. i think that it is a good point, as the family actually cares about them and even if they are at work, they still hire a maid to take care of the elderly. the elderly have weak muscle joints, and have difficulty in walking, so there should be someone around the house, perhaps a maid, to allow the elderly to rest. sometimes the elderly cook their meals, and have to stand for long periods of time. if there is a maid around the house, she can cook the meals while the elderly rests.

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